LUK Technical Diving

Sidemount diver

Sidemount specialty course

Sidemount specialty course is for certified divers looking to use sidemount instead of traditional backmount configuration.

In this course you will learn everything about sidemount diving. We go in-depth about sidemount configuration which includes harness set up, cylinders options and set up, regulator options and set up, importance of proper weighting considering different thermal protective suits, etc. You will also learn everything about gas management using two independent diving tanks, gas shearing, S-drills, various different non-silting propulsion techniques, and all the rest of it.

Sidemount configuration was found by UK sump and cave divers, and this is where the sidemount configuration was mostly used in past. But today sidemount is not here only for cave divers. We have more and more sport-recreational divers using sidemount configuration as they recognize advantages of this configuration, such as air redundancy, twice as much air available on a dive, streamlining, better trim or better position in a water column, much easier for handling and carrying on land in relation to a twinset, and so on.

All mentioned above and more made the sidemount configuration very popular as diving specialty.

Enroll into the sidemount course today and learn everything about sidemount diving. Get in touch!

Who this course is for:

  • Certified Open Water divers looking to use sidemount instead of traditional backmount equipment configuration

Course info:

  • Duration: 3-4 days