LUK Technical Diving

TDI Extended Range Diver

Extend your limits of air diving

Extend your limits while diving on air as bottom gas. This course takes you to the limits of air diving to a maximum depth of 55 meters.

Even though I am not big fan of deep air diving this certification might be very useful in parts of the world with limited or no helium availability.

There are many diving locations around the world, with beautiful dive sites in range from 40-55 meters, that have no access to helium or even if helium is available the price is probably so high that only rebreather divers will be using it. In those situations, using air as bottom gas makes sense for Open Circuit divers.

Extended range course teaches you the skills and gives you theoretical knowledge needed to perform such deep dives safely while using two decompression tanks.

Who this course is for:

  • Certified Adv. Nitrox and Decompression procedure divers looking to extended their limits

Course info:

  • Duration: 4-5 days