LUK Technical Diving

Technical diver refreshment course

Get back in water like you never even stopped diving

Technical diver refreshment course is designed for those inactive technical divers. Inactivity could be due to numbers of reason, so depending on how long the student was inactive and their current level of certification, we are going to adapt the course to the student’s personal needs.

Course is based primarily on underwater skills, but also keeping you up to date with latest developments in the diving industry. There might have been lot of changes since the last time you’ve been diving. Diving industry is developing rapidly, so staying up to date is very important.

After completing the Technical Diver Refreshment course, you will be back in the water with feeling like you never even stopped diving.

Get in touch today, don’t let your expensive diving gear go to waste.

Who this course is for:

  • Inactive technical divers

Course info:

  • Duration: 1 day
  • Max depth: Current diving certification limit